It's ChatGPT...purpose-built for accounting.
Introduce AI into your accounting and business workflows so you can boost your efficiency and scale your business without needing to hire more staff.
You want to use ChatGPT in your accounting business, but you don’t know where to start.
- You have no idea how to form a prompt to handle accounting work.
- The AI spits out generic responses that aren’t tailored to the specifics of the accounting profession.
- You’ve seen examples of ChatGPT used for marketing and HR, but you don’t know which questions to ask.
Introducing Spark...where AI meets accounting.
Expand your expertise by creating a virtual team within Spark.
Spark allows you to create and chat with role-based assistants, so you get the relevant answers you need. Create assistants to represent your staff or other professional contacts such as:
- Legal Advisor
- Financial Advisor
- Marketing Consultant
- Tax Researcher
- Strategic Advisor
Add your own specific content for Spark to use.
Create a library of curated content, so you’ll get hyper-personalized responses based on your own data.
- Call transcripts
- IRS publications
- Business strategy and brainstorming docs
- Articles and PDFs
- Your employee handbook
- Your firm's policies

Find inspiration in our library of question ideas.
Browse our curated list of relevant prompts sorted by you always get a useful result.
Join 1500+ other growing accounting firms using Spark.
“Everyone cheers the benefits of AI, but I was at a loss when it came to my accounting firm. Now, I can ask specific questions related to my firm’s exact needs, plus get info on the rest of my business. We’ve even added specific content for AI to sort and parse. The role-based assistants are genius and lets me get exactly what I need. We’ve dramatically upped our efficiency.”
“I saved untold hours researching a complex business transaction...”
“It's replaced Google for me, I get quicker answers instead of articles and resources I have to wade through to find answers”
“I have a leg up on others within my firm [who aren't using AI]”
“It's like having another employee… the employee you've always dreamed of”
“It allows me to compete with [the expertise] of the Eide Bailey's of the world”